Monday 6 January 2014

Beautiful-blooms-in-2014 !!

Happy New Year, I would like to wish you all lots of blessings, great health, prosperity, success and tons of blooms in 2014

As usual, the delightful Christmas cacti burst into bloom with beautiful flowers during the holidays and what's more is that they're still in bloom  ;-) 

Brilliant white and shocking pink flowers.
Red and white flowers.
Pail pink variety.
Baby Christmas cactus.
This is how most plants start out, fresh from the nursery, in tiny little pots, baby plants are small and very cute.

After some time, plants out-grow their pots and so, below are a few tips and tricks to re-potting your plants and getting them flowering again and looking even more beautiful:
  1. Choose an appropriate sized, bowl shaped pot.
  2. This is the potting mix that I have been having great success year after year: 70% regular potting soil, 10% red soil, 10% charcoal and 10% crushed egg shells.
  3. Ensure that there are enough holes at the bottom of the pot, to allow good drainage.
  4. Line the bottom of the pot with gravel - this assists with drainage.
  5. Position the plant above the gravel and add the new potting mix.
  6. Holding the pot and plant, dunk it in a basin of (rain) water for a few moments, long enough to drench the soil and then remove the plant and place it on a saucer and presto, you're done.
  7. After a while, discard any extra water in the saucer.
In time, your plant will resemble this beauty below.
Mature plant
If your Christmas cactus looks healthy and robust but yet, does not produce flowers, there is a simple remedy that will bring about blooms in 2 to 3 weeks (in the season).  If you seem to have this problem, please feel free to send me a message using the contact form on the page and I will be happy to let you in on the secret.