Saturday 23 November 2013


Aerangis Brachycarpa

In the wild the Aerangis Brachycarpa orchid can be found growing on trees and survive entirely on seasonal rain.  Being pretty hardy, they normally withstand many months without water.  

Measuring only about one and a half feet long by three quarters of a foot wide makes this "little jungle" pretty amazing, primarily because it can flower upto three times a year...

Click here to significantly improve your orchid growing skills.

Long story cut short..., I found the supporting piece of log in the Aberdare Forest, it was part of an old broken tree, knocked down by elephants many months earlier and all I did was place these wild orchids on the log and they took hold and have been bearing these beautiful white star shaped flowers, ever since.
In February 2014, 4 bulbs produced 80 flowers.  Very rewarding and so beautiful..

Aerangis Brachycarpa
A brief update, here are a few pictures of the same plant.  The photo above, was taken in Nov 2013 and the pictures below, taken on 7th May 2014, second flowering in 5 months.
little angels flying about
Care and maintenance:

1. Although these wild orchids thrive in a dry, hot climate, they can and will adapt very well if grown on/in bark and sprayed regularly.  
2. Feed with a foliafeed mix in water via spray, every two or three weeks.
3. Do not let these plants be exposed to direct tropical sunlight as the leaves will burn.
4. Do not water log these orchids.

One plant has sprouted 2 flower spikes which will be the 3rd flowering in 2014.